Jeff Minder, PMP
Learn how to be a true leader. To succeed or fail based on your own decisions, your own choices, while leading teams to create new products, services and results.
Scope is the #1 focus, schedule is #2 and costs are #3 in the world of True Project Management. You either need the result of what you are planning or you are simply wasting your time and money. 90 of projects that fail, do so purely because of a lack of a solid scope, lack of attention on that scope, and distractions that create scope creep or destroy yours and your teams motivation to continue.
In the world of Project Management, we lead and inspire teams to deliver the product, service or result that creates positive change for our organizations and the people within them.
At JeffMinder.com we teach project management and leadership. That means you can benefit as a project manager and even fulfill your desire to certify as a professional project manager (PMP) while you learn to manage projects and lead project teams. This will allow you to fully empathize with your steering committees, owners and investors giving you a huge advantage over other project managers in your organization while at the same time giving you the training and confidence to be a truly effective leader.
Contact us to learn more.
Areas of Expertise
Strategic Planning
Program Management
Project Management
Business Analysis
Risk Management
I am sure some of you are in the middle of a project that feels like it is not moving forward, not getting done, failing. The best way to fix it, the best approach to saving projects from failure is to focus on the scope of the project.
I have found 8 primary reasons that projects fail. I have created a program to help my customers solve these 8 problems and save failing projects. I have never run into a failing project that did not get fixed by applying one or more of these solutions.
The question of who makes a better project manager; the person who is a subject matter expert and becomes a professional project manager, or the professional project manager who has limited functional experience in the product of the project?
I have always answered that the professional project manager with limited functional experience in the product of the project makes the best project manager. She will take nothing for granted, her assumptions will be clear, and she will have no preconceived notions of scope, time or costs. She will figure it all out using effective project management tools, techniques and processes. She can focus on inspiration and leadership of her team and not be pulled down into the weeds of minute details of specific product requirements.